Where can I find event information? Calendar; click green links; Halvorson Music Studio Facebook; Student's books (required pieces are flagged); Emails (list event details and practicing instructions); Whiteboard in the studio; and "notes," box on your invoice. Parent/Student portal of My Music Staff. Ask us. Enjoy starting your music journey in person or online. All studio recitals  will be online until further notice. We have had fourteen very successful online recitals since March, 2020. Students are participating, in person, again at Achievement in Music exams and Mid-America Music Association Festival. 

Recitals and music contests give students goals to work towards, positive feedback, and develop confidence. With each level a student passes, they gain more skill and musicality. 
Students participate in: Illinois Grade School and High School Music Association (register through school); Achievement in Music Exams - AIM; and Mid-America Music Association Festival - M.A.M.A. Each student's lesson plan changes, depending upon your participation. Inform your teacher, early, if you are or aren't participating in a studio event. It really helps. This was such a fun Halloween recital. Everyone did a great job, and I enjoyed hearing your compositions! Try it out, the first lesson is free! Register as a Trial student.

M.A.M.A. Theory Bee 2022

Avery - Theory Bee 1; Grace - Theory Bee 2; and Caleb - Theory Bee 1. Also, not pictured are: Tessa - Theory Bee 1 and Jack - Theory Bee 3. All students entering this event study music information and are winners for learning a lot of information. 

M.A.M.A. 2022, Avery, Caleb and Grace

Avery - Piano Solo F and Hymn and Patriotic; Caleb - Piano Solo G and Hymn and Patriotic; Grace - Piano Solo E and Hymn and Patriotic. It is fun hearing them progress while  they learn their pieces for this event. These students also participated in Theory Bee.

M.A.M.A. 2022, Jack

Jack - Piano Solo C and Theory Bee 3. With each harder level of M.A.M.A. the students work to memorize music and music facts that are more complex. I really love all of your questions, Jack, they help you play your pieces better and help you learn more. 

M.A.M.A. 2022, Lucy

Lucy - Piano Solo F. I am very happy that you worked hard to learn the swing rhythms in your required piece and that you conquered the fear of performing for the judge to earn your trophy. Impressive with a  year and a half of piano studies. 

M.A.M.A. 2022, Tessa

Tessa - Piano Solo F and Theory Bee 1. You worked hard to learn the pieces at Class F and Theory Bee Level 1 information. I'm very happy with the result of your work. You are learning a lot in less than a year and a half of piano studies.  

M.A.M.A. 2022

I'm thanking all of the students and their parents for their participation in M.A.M.A. Sami also worked hard at Piano Solo C and earned an excellent rating. All of your extra studying and practicing helps you learn more and play with more musicality.  Piano Solo events require students to memorize their pieces. 

Level 12 Achievement in Music Recital (2018) 
I’m so proud of Grace and Andrew. They completed the level 12 Achievement in Music Exam in a joint recital. This is the highest level. It was an honor to working with you and hearing your progress each week. Both students were busy in school with many activities, and they both played for church services in the area. They were busy students who achieved a lot and I'm very proud of them.

Andrew also earned a Virtuoso trophy at the Mid-America Music Association Festival in July of 2018. This is at the highest level. He learned and memorized both pieces after the AIM exam in April 2018. Great job! Grace is a Music Major in College, Andrew is a Music Minor and doing a lot of accompanying.

"Mrs. Halvorson, I can't thank you enough for your inspiration, encouragement and never-ending support you've given my sons. You are a wonderful person and we are very thankful to have you in our lives." Charlotte and Mike

"Dear Mrs. Halvorson, Thank you very much for not only playing the concerto with me, but also for supporting me and helping me grow and do the best that I can." Andrew

"Thank you for all of the help and support you have shown her. She is not always patient with herself and piano has also helped to teach her to persevere and push through even when it gets hard." Nancy

Clavinova Festival, December 2018 - Nolan, most people would never know this was your first recital and that you have only been playing since late September. Really nice!

Nolan is a fun student to teach. He is in the Beginning, 0-3 year stage, of lessons. Playing in the Clavinova Festival gave him a fun goal to work towards and he really learned a lot.

Clavinova Festival, December 2018 - Molly, this is a great performance. No wonder why you are the Junior High Jazz Band pianist at school.

Molly is in the 2-6 year stage of piano lessons (Late Elementary to Early Intermediate). The Clavinova Festival really helps her achieve her goals of participating in music groups at school while playing a cool piece. 

Clavinova Festival, December 2018 - Lydia, your performance was very expressive and polished. Most people would never know that you have been playing piano less than 3 years.

Lydia hasn't been studying piano for very long, but yet she works on details and has fun learning her pieces. She is in the 5-12 year
(Intermediate-Advanced), lesson stage with less than 3 years of piano lessons.